Bandar Lampung (16/11/2022) Focus Group Discussion Activity for the Preparation of the Strategic Plan (Renstra) of the Faculty of Ushuluddin and Religious Studies UIN Raden Intan Lampung. This activity was held offline in the FUSA Hall room and presented one resource person, Prof. Lloyd d Bautista, D.P.A., P.h.D (President of Philippine Public Safety Colleg Philippines). The event was attended by Dr. Ahmad Isnaeni M.A, Vice Dean I Mr. Dr. Suhandi, M.Ag., Vice Dean II Mr. Andi Thahir, MA, Ed.D., Vice Dean III Mr. Dr. Sonhaji, M.Ag, Head of Tasawuf and Psychotherapy Department Mr. Agung M. Iqbal, M.Ag, Secretary of Tasawuf and Psychotherapy Department Mrs. Ira Hidayati, MA. and lecturers.